So back last fall I ran a Karth Jam where folks created cool gamable content that could be useful for use with my Mothership module Desert Moon Karth. And there was a lot of great ideas!
As long as people are asking first, giving me credit and aren’t doing anything nefarious (I.E Sandsquid NFT’s, Digital Wigoy prospecting loot boxes, hate speech) I generally like seeing my stuff inspire other creations and am super open to folks using elements of works I publish and putting their own twist on them.
Also contrary to what certain RPG company boardroom ghouls in human skin suits seem to think, it’s also beneficial to the creators/publishers of something to make it easier for other people to make cool things for that something.
A. There’s more cool stuff for Desert Moon of Karth, these can make the base module more fun for me and other folks to run.
B. People who discover Karth due to another neat thing someone else made using are likely to pick up Desert Moon of Karth and give me money. That’s also cool.
Anyway here’s an overview of all the sweet entries:
The Voice of Karth
The Voice of Karth
“West of Larstown lies a ramshackle radio broadcasting outfit run by a former prospector.
Included is a one sheet PDF add-on for Desert Moon of Karth featuring a new location, NPC, and set of jobs.
Two short audio files of broadcasts are included.”
Also the author commissioned Logan Stahl who did the portraits in Desert Moon of Karth to create the illustration of Cpl. Sharp.
Arkady’s Outpost
“Arkady’s Outpost is a supplement for use with the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror RPG. It’s an independent trading outpost located on the outskirts of Larstown on the remote moon of Karth. Arkady, the shopkeeper, is a laid back, but clever woman who grew up in the desert expanse. Here you’ll also find one of the most infamous criminals on Karth: the mad cultist, Lars Rossart. This pamphlet is designed to be used with Joel Hines’ Desert Moon of Karth module, but can be dropped into any shore leave Mothership session.”
Another modular location to pop down in the sands, the brochure combines an interesting shop with peculiar goodies, item illustrations and two more of the dangerous or bizarre type of character I like to have around Karth.
Karth Race 2000
So this one never got finished so the author uploaded the draft for folks to download. It’s heavily inspired by Death Race 2000 and maybe the pod race scene in Episode 1. It’s a deadly canyon race with a new mechanic to allow for gaining or flagging towards being the first to cross the finish line. There’s some really neat sections here and if anyone digs this and wants to wrap it up I highly recommend reaching out to the author and checking on that!
The Red Mamba Posse
“The Red Mamba Posse is a gang of four no-good, side-winding, loco hombres that have sauntered their way onto the Desert Moon of Karth in search of credits and fame (alongside several other dubious reasons).”
Four more ne’er-do-wells for bounty hunting, double crossing on a robbery, or getting shot in the back by in the streets of Larstown with desires, fears, secrets, and jobs. Checkout Roxie ‘Bad Mouth’ Bartlett, S.A.M ‘Sunrise’ Holotape and the whole crew.
Karthian Manhunter
“On the long nights of Karth against the darkness of the stars, you’d see it.
A tall, emaciated body covered in human skins, draped across it like rags. Wigoy coral horns. Limbs so long you’d feel like they could reach across the entire desert and grab you. A bad omen, they’d say. A very bad omen…“
Clearly there wasn’t enough nasty stuff on Karth already. This pamphlet has an android monster, its background and a detailed lair. Throw the Manhunter on the random encounter table. Or use it as a contained one shot adventure- beware the horned one.